Team 12 Main

From CyberSecurity
Revision as of 21:07, 20 October 2005 by Chris DuPuis (talk | contribs)

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Edit this outline as necessary, adding in details where they fit.

I. Information about the attack.

   A. Report from each engineering member on techniques used, difficulty of attack, 
   feasibility of automating attacks.

II. Potential financial damages

   A. Home computer
      1. Credit card fraud
      2. Identity theft
      3. Botnet/DDOS applications
      4. Reporting incorrect information.
   B. Walmart ordering computer
      1. All of the home computer items, and...
      2. Ordering things inappropriately.
      3. Failing to order things when requested.
   C. Trading computer
      1. Making trades inappropriately.
      2. Failing to make trades when requested
      3. Reporting incorrect information.

III. Applications of value to terrorists

IV. Defenses