Talk:Team 10 Main

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Revision as of 23:04, 16 October 2005 by Sbhuang (talk | contribs) (Team 10 members)

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Welcome to the Group 10 wiki. Here is some info:

Members with preferred email:

Steven Boray Huang ( - UCSD

Vitaliy B. Zavesov ( - UCSD

Lisa Valdez Josefina ( - UCB

Brenda Hernandez ( - UCB-Ugrad

Jessica Miller ( - UW

Marty Lyons ( - UW

As of now (14 Oct 2200 PDT) everyone is here except Jessica, pending her addition to the page by Jeff.

Team 10 members

Since we have to write some code etc, I thought I'd check on the background of folks in our team. I know that they tried to make the groups comprise various disciplines, and the stack smashing papers are pretty short of helpful material if you're not coming at this from the Computer Science side. If everyone can just edit this page with their background, we'll get a better idea on how to break up the tasks. Jessica and I are both here at UW and have the ability to sit together and work, which might help.

Steven Boray Huang ( - UCSD Computer Science - software engineering and ubiquitous computing (mainly cell phones). I read the assignment and took a look at the code today and since we only need to do sploit1, it doesn't seem too bad. I haven't had a chance to spend too much time on it yet though, just read through the stanford powerpoint slides and the smashing the stack paper. How is everyone else doing?

Vitaliy B. Zavesov ( - UCSD

Lisa Valdez Josefina ( - UCB

Brenda Hernandez ( - UCB-Ugrad

Jessica Miller ( - UW

Marty Lyons ( - UW

BACKGROUND: Computer Science as a systems programmer and network engineer. My C coding skills are marginal since I haven't done anything with the language in (gasp) 10 years, but I should be able to recall enough to sort out the project. I'm limited in typing since I've got bad hand tendonitis; so programming involving lots of keyboard time is something I try to avoid if possible.