Current Event: racial profiling no more effective than random screening

By ezwelty at 8:56 am on February 6, 2009Comments Off on Current Event: racial profiling no more effective than random screening

In “Study: racial profiling no more effective than random screen”, ArsTechnica reports on a new study by William Press, who claims that using profiling at security checkpoints such as airports is not effective in catching threats. The ineffectiveness, according to Press, stems from small numbers of screeners being able to only resample a small subset of the total population at any given moment. Screeners, on the average, end up retesting the same innocent individuals that happen to have large correlations with risk profiles.

This event arises from the current security concerns of DHS, and their mandate to catch terrorists at the various entrances to the United States. It seems that the methods employed in profiling are faulty, and need revisiting. As a counter-example to this article, the Israeli airports employ racial profiling to great success in ensuring security, and haven’t had an incident since 1986 — however, they combine these profiling methods with other forms of security measures.

However, there are larger issues in having such broad-sweeping racial profiling in the US. Applying racial targeting to minorities at checkpoints would cause a fair amount of backlash, considering the historical implications. As well, all the racial groups that are on profiling lists also are likely not adversarial threats, and are certainly as legitimate of citizens as people that aren’t on the list. Also, it seems like  relying heavily on profiling means that defeating it is simply a matter of not fitting the current terrorist profile.

While there has been some success stories in racial profiling with regards to border security, the idea leaves a bad taste in my mouth. There are inarguably a number of things that DHS can do to improve security at checkpoints (hire competent TSA employees comes to mind), without going down the dangerous path of racial profiling — profiling that has been shown in this recent study to be mostly ineffective given how it is currently applied.

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