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This is a work in progress.  Please feel free to add your thoughts, comments, questions, or suggestions on how this page can be improved.  Thank you!<br /><br />
This is a work in progress.  Please feel free to add your thoughts, comments, questions, or suggestions on how this page can be improved.  Thank you!<br /><br />
== General Information ==
=== CSE Staff Contacts ===
<table width="336" border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
    <td nowrap="nowrap"><div align="center"><strong>Name</strong></div></td>
    <td nowrap="nowrap"><div align="center"><strong>Office</strong></div></td>
    <td nowrap="nowrap"><div align="center"><strong>Phone</strong></div></td>
    <td nowrap="nowrap"><div align="center"><strong>Email</strong></div></td>
    <td nowrap="nowrap">Pim Lustig<br />
    CSE Course Coordinator</td>
    <td nowrap="nowrap">CSE  126</td>
    <td nowrap="nowrap">206-616-3225 </td>
    <td nowrap="nowrap">pl@cs.washngton.edu</td>
    <td height="64" nowrap="nowrap">Chris Cunnington<br />
    Administrator </td>
    <td nowrap="nowrap">CSE 140</td>
    <td nowrap="nowrap">206-685-4852</td>
    <td nowrap="nowrap"> chris@cs.washington.edu</td>
</table><br />
<p>Pim Lustig will help you with:</p>
<ul type="disc">
  <li>Course Logistics: scheduling, classrooms, textbooks, TAs, enrollments</li>
  <li>Academic Issues: grading, course evaluations, exam procedures, student misconduct</li>
  <li>Computing  Issues: Information on course webs, mailing lists, discussion boards</li>
</ul><br />
<p>Chris Cunnington will help you with: </p>
<ul type="disc">
  <li>Administrative Issues: your UW appointment, keys, office assignment</li>
  <li>CSENetID:  To establish your CS computer account (CSENetID) complete and fax this form to Chris: [http://www.cs.washington.edu/lab/support/accountapp20.pdf CS Account Application] <br />
She will notify you when your account has been established.<br /> </li>
  <li>UW EID number: The Employee ID number (EID) is established when your appointment is entered in to the UW database. </li>
<li>UWNetID: Chris will provide your Private Access Code, a one time password you will use to set up your UWNetID.</li></ul><br />
=== EID Number===
The Employee ID number (EID) is a unique number assigned to UW personnel. It is established when your appointment is entered in to the UW database.  Your EID number is required to create your UWNetID and obtain a Husky ID card. 
You can find your EID number in the Employee Self Service link at [http://myuw.washington.edu/ My UW].
=== Husky ID Card ===
The Husky I.D. card provides you with access to UW library and other UW services.  It is not necessary for you to obtain a Husky I.D. card unless you wish to use UW services. 
[http://hfs.washington.edu/husky_card/default.aspx?id=953 Husky ID card information]<br>
Your Husky ID card will be issued at the ID Center located on the ground floor of the Odegaard Library (across from the By George Café).  Hours are 8-5, Monday-Friday.  <b>ID cards must be obtained in person</b>. The ID Center will ask for your UW EID number and a state or federal issued photo ID such as a driver’s license or passport.<br>
When activated by CSE staff your Husky ID card will open card reader doors in CSE.  See Tracy Erbeck or Kathy Gold to have your Husky ID card activated.  Please test your card during business hours to make sure everything is properly set up. <br>
=== Classrooms ===
[http://www.css.washington.edu/buildings/ Building List with Classroom Schematics & Equipment]<br />
[http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/classroomsupport.html/ Scheduling classrooms]
=== Mailbox, Copy Machines, Supplies ===
<li>Mailbox: Your mailbox is in CSE 102 (next to the main reception area).&nbsp;  Please check it for teaching evaluations, grade sheets, etc.
<li>Copy machines are in CSE 103 (next to the mailroom). Feel free to ask the front desk staff for any assistance.<br />
(note: Both the mail and copy rooms are accessible 24-hours a day from the Atrium by swiping your cardkey in the card readers.)
<li>Supplies:  pens, transparencies, dry-erase markers, etc. are located in the room behind the CSE reception area.
=== Maps, Parking ===
[http://www.washington.edu/home/maps|target='_new' UW Campus Maps]<br />
[http://norfolk.cs.washington.edu/directory|target='_new' Allen Center Directory]<br />
[http://www.washington.edu/commuterservices/parking/FAQ/ UW Parking Information]<br />
=== Schedules ===
[http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/time-sched/ CSE Quarterly Course Time Schedules and Teaching Assignments]<br />
[http://www.washington.edu/students/reg/0708cal.html UW Academic Calendar]<br />
== Your Course Information ==
<ul><li>The title and number of the course you have been assigned to teach are listed on the department's [http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/time-sched/teaching2006-2007.html Teaching Assignments webpage].
<br /></li>
<li>The [http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/time-sched/ CSE Quarterly Course Time Schedules] page contains links to the official UW time schedule (where course times and rooms are listed) and an "overview grid" which provides a visual display of the department's quarterly schedule.<br /></li>
<li>Standard courses in the catalog such as CSE 444 (Databases) or CSE 326 (Data Structures) have a fixed title and description and are offered for a fixed number of credits.  All 300-level and most 400-level courses meet 3 times a week (MWF) in 50 minute sessions.  Many undergraduate courses also have additional lab or quiz sections which are usually led by teaching assistants.  Some 400-level undergraduate courses and nearly all graduate courses meet twice a week in 80 minute sessions (e.g. Tues/Thurs 10:30-11:50).</li>
<li>Many new and visiting instructors will be teaching a "Special Topics in CSE" course numbered CSE 490 for undergrad courses, CSE 599 for grad.  These courses offer more flexibility in terms of credits, grading systems, and scheduling--Contact Pim Lustig to discuss the options available.</li></ul>
== CSE Computing Information & Tools for Instructors ==
=== Course Computing ===
====Basic Info====
* [http://www.cs.washington.edu/lab/course-computing Main Course Computing Page] - Includings which labs each course is using, what software each course is using, and more.
* [http://norfolk.cs.washington.edu/htbin-post/education/cr/cr.cgi/instructor Computing Needs for My Courses] - This database is used by the Computer Science Lab staff to track what computing resources you need for your course.  (See [http://www.cs.washington.edu/lab/course-computing/NextQtr Instructions for Communicating your Needs].)
* [http://www.cs.washington.edu/lab/support/docs/uwcseinstr.html Guide for preparing CSE instructional resources] - A detailed "How To" on creating course web pages, Wikis, email lists, class project space, etc.
* [http://www.cs.washington.edu/lab/facilities/instr-labs.html Instructional Labs and Server Resources]
====Links to common tasks:====
* [http://www.cs.washington.edu/lab/course-computing/NextQtr Tell us what you need in the way of computing resources] - <u>We need to know at least 2 weeks before each quarter</u>, to allow time for verifying the feasibility of all requests, and do some lab juggling and preparing the machines to be ready with all course software by the first day of the quarter.
* [http://www.cs.washington.edu/lab/support/docs/uwcseinstr.html#SEC4 A remotely accessible example lab workstation)] - use this to test your software on a clone of the student workstation environment.
* [http://www.cs.washington.edu/lab/support/docs/uwcseinstr.html#accounts  Groups and Accounts for Instructors, TAs, and Students,]
* [http://www.cs.washington.edu/lab/support/docs/uwcseinstr.html#files  Course Files (General Purpose, Web, and Student Project Files),]
* [http://www.cs.washington.edu/lab/support/docs/uwcseinstr.html#mail  Course Email Lists]
* [http://catalyst.washington.edu/web_tools/index.html  Catalyst Web Tools: Class Discussion Boards,  Creating online surveys, etc.]
A note on course tools: many course tools such as class email lists and online homework submission setups are available in both UW campus-wide versions and CSE "in-house" versions.  You're welcome to pick and choose from everything that's available but you may find that our in-house tools allow greater control and are better documented (plus our support staff is better than theirs).
=== CSE NetID ===
Your CSE NetID will provide you with access to CSE computing services and web resources.
The CSE Unix systems and the CSE Web share the same password (aka "Kerberos"), and your CSE Windows password is managed separately.  Your initial password is the same for both realms, so be sure to change both of them ASAP!
Your '''<u>UNIX/Web password can be changed [https://www4.cs.washington.edu/cgi-bin/kpasswd.cgi here]</u>''', and you will need to '''<u>log into a CSE Windows comptuer to change your Windows password</u>'''.
[http://www.cs.washington.edu/lab/ General information on CSE computing services]
[http://www.cs.washington.edu/lab/support/ Help with CSE computing services]
=== UW NetID, MyUW, and MyUWClass  ===
Your UW NetID (with password) is your personal identification for using UW online resources . It's basically a separate campus-wide version of our departmental CSENetID.  With your UW NetID, you are eligible for various computing services depending on your association with the UW (i.e, student, faculty, staff, alumni, or other affiliate).
You will need your EID number and private access code to establish your [https://uwnetid.washington.edu/newid/ UW NetID] account.  Chris will provide you with this information.   
MyUW is the portal to University of Washington information.  It is an easy-to-use tool for finding and accessing the resources you need at the university such as employee information on the Faculty/Staff page or course information and student rosters on the Teaching page.
A particularly useful section of your MyUW page is called '''MyUWClass''' -- MyUWClass allows you to download a class roster, view course information, and access [http://catalyst.washington.edu/web_tools/index.html Catalyst webtools] such as class discussion boards.&nbsp;  It is accessed through the Teaching tab of MyUW.
<p><strong>How to access MyUWClass:</strong></p>
<li>Go to the [http://myuw.washington.edu MyUW website.]</li>
<li>Log in with your UW NetID and password. (For new instructors, you will not be able to create a UW NetID, until your appointment information is entered in the UW database.)</li>
<li>Click on the "Teaching" tab on the left of your screen.</li>
<li>Choose the Personalize Content bar, which is listed on the top right corner of the screen.<br><em>
Please note: The personalization process described below only needs to occur one time.  Once this process is completed, you will only need to choose the Teaching Tab to view your course information.</em></li>
<li>On the Personalize Teaching page, click the "Choose" button.</li>
<li>Check the box to the left of  "Teaching Class Schedule", which should be the first checkbox from the top of the page.</li>
<li>Click the "Save your Changes" button listed under Step 2, towards the bottom of the page.</li>
<li>Click the "Back to the Teaching Page" link at the bottom of the "Personalize Teaching Page."</li>
<li>The courses you are teaching for the current quarter should now be listed.</li>
<li>Click on the MyUWClass icon under the "Manage Resources" column which is the last column on the right.</li>
<li>Under the "Electronic Class List" heading click on "Display on a Web Page."  This will give you a class list that you can print or view online. </li></ol>
== Timeline ==
'''2 months prior to quarter:'''
<blockquote><li>Order textbooks: you will receive numerous email reminders.
<li>Online time schedule posted/Course information available on MyUWClass page: Confirm that days/times are correct and that your assigned classroom is satisfactory.  Instructors of "Special Topics"  courses should also double-check that their course is listed with the correct grading systems (numerical grades vs. Credit/No Credit gradng) and number of credits.
'''1 month prior to quarter:''' 
<blockquote><li>Course computing requirements requested by support office;
<li>Course webspace available for course website.</blockquote>
'''First day at CSE:''' <blockquote><li>See Chris or Pim for orientation (obtain office keys, building tour, etc.)</blockquote>
'''2 weeks prior to end of quarter:''' <blockquote><li>Course evaluation forms:
Course evaluation forms will be ordered for you and will be placed in your mailbox well in advance of the last day of class.  [http://www.washington.edu/oea/pdfs/course_eval/instructions.pdf Course evaluation instructions]
<li>Course grade sheets distributed:  The [http://depts.washington.edu/grading/ Faculty Resources on Grading (FROG) web page] provides information on University policies related to grading and academic misconduct.
'''Last week of classes:''' <blockquote>Administer course evaluations in class. </blockquote>
'''Last week of quarter -- "Finals week" ''': <blockquote>Final exams given.[http://www.washington.edu/students/reg/calendar.html#final  Final exam schedules]</blockquote>
'''Monday following last day of quarter:''' <blockquote>Final grades due to Pim Lustig's mailbox, 9:30AM.</blockquote>
'''Last day at CSE:'''<blockquote> Return keys, provide forwarding address (if needed) to Chris or CSE receiptionist.</blockquote>
== Helpful Web pages ==
=== UW Grading Practices ===
[http://depts.washington.edu/grading/practices/index.html UW&rsquo;s Faculty Resource on Grading Practices]<br />
=== Protecting Student Records ===
[http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/student-records.html Family Education and Privacy Act &ndash; Protecting student  records.]<br />
=== CSE TA Information ===
[http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/ta-home/ta-assignment/ TA Information & Assignments]<br />

Revision as of 20:13, 22 March 2007

Welcome to the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. This guide is written primarily for new and visiting instructors who may be teaching at the UW for the first time. It's goal is to provide useful information, answer basic questions, and point you to the people in the department who are here to assist you. Consider this the "quick-start" version of the Guide for New and Visiting Faculty page found on the CSE website.

This is a work in progress. Please feel free to add your thoughts, comments, questions, or suggestions on how this page can be improved. Thank you!

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