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                        "*": "== Reading schedule ==\n\n=== August 31:  The Logic of Terrorism  ===\n\nModern terrorism has been with us since the 1870s.  What can history teach us about the strategy, tactics, and limits of terrorism?\n* Steve Maurer, UC Berkeley:  <i>What Can History Teach Us?</i>\n\n<B>Readings:</b>\n* Walter Laqueur, No End to War: Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century (2004) (text;  Please read this text in three segments, concluding 9/21.\n\n\n=== September 7:  Terrorism as Warfare ===\n\nHistorically, nation states were the only entities that could credibly make war.  Have new technologies and the vulnerabilities of modern life changed the rules?\n* <i>Steve Maurer, UC Berkeley:  Can Terrorism Challenge the Nation State?</i>\n\n<b>Readings:</b>\n* Walter Laqueur, No End to War: Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century (2004) (text;  Please read this text in three segments, concluding 9/21.\n\n\n=== September 13 (Tuesday):  The Al Qaida Threat ===\n\nCan US foreign policy discourage rogue nations from putting WMD into the hands of terrorists?\n* Michael Nacht, UC Berkeley:  <i>Post 9/11 Diplomacy:  The Bush Doctrine, Rogue Nations, and US Non-Proliferation Policy</i>\n\n<B>Readings:</b>\n* [ Online Bush Doctrine Memo.]\n\n\n=== September 21:  Technology Policy and the  War on Terror ===\n\nCan new technologies improve current trade-offs between civil liberties and security?  How do homeland security experts use Threat, Vulnerability, and Consequence (TVC) models to identify and protect society\u2019s most critical assets?\n\n* Don Prosnitz, LLNL:  Security and Civil Liberties:  <i>Can Technology Improve the Balance?</i>\n* Steve Maurer, UC Berkeley:  <i>The Bioshield Dilemma: Developing New Technologies at an Affordable Price</i>\n* Eric Norman, LLNL:  <i>Cargo screening technologies</i>\n\n<b>Readings:</b>\n* Walter Laqueur, No End to War: Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century (2004) (text;  Please read this text in three segments, concluding 9/21.\n* Steve Maurer,  [ \u201cWhen Patents Fail: Finding New Drugs for the Developing World,\u201d] (pdf) May 2005.\n\n\n=== September 28:  Profiling the Terrorist Adversary ===\n\nWhat are the motives and capabilities of current terrorist groups?  How likely are they to use WMD or attack the nation\u2019s cyber-infrastructure?\n\n* Gary Ackerman & Jeffrey Bale, Monterey Institute:  <i>Profiling the Terrorist Adversary</i>\n\n<b>Readings:</b>\n* Jeffrey M. Bale and Gary Ackerman. [ Recommendations on the Development of Methodologies and Attributes for Assessing Terrorist Threats of WMD Terrorism.] (pdf). Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies.  \n\n\n=== October 5:  Computer Security Primer ===\n\nComprehensive introduction to basic computer security principles, mechanisms, and approaches.  Essentially, the highlights of an undergraduate computer security course, reduced to 3 hours.\n\n* <i>Geoff Voelker, UCSD</i>\n\n<b>Readings: </b>\n* Ken Thompson, [ \u201cReflections on Trusting Trust,\u201d] Communications of the ACM 27(8), August 1984.  \n* Alma Whitten and J.D. Tygar, [ \u201cWhy Johnny Can't Encrypt: A Usability Evaluation of PGP 5.0,\u201d] Proc. USENIX Security Symposium, August 1999.  \n* Ross Anderson, [ \u201cWhy Cryptosystems Fail,\u201d] Communications of the ACM 37(11), November 1994.  \n\n\n=== October 12:  Cyber Security In-The-Large ===\n\nUsing information technology to attack \u2013 or to amplify attacks on \u2013 various elements of the nation\u2019s critical infrastructure.\n\n* Ed Lazowska, UW:  <i>Assessing Cyber-Vulnerabilities:  PITAC and Beyond</i>\n* Phil Venables, CISO, Goldman Sachs:  <i>The Resilient Enterprise: Convergence of Security, Compliance, Redundancy and Risky</i>\n* Kirk Bailey, ex-CISO, City of Seattle: <I>Cyber-attacks and cyber-defense in the City of Seattle</i>\n\n<b>Readings:</b>\n*  [ Information Technology for Counterterrorism.] Computer Science & Telecommunications Board, National Research Council, 2003.  .  Read the Executive Summary, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 4.\n* [ Cyber Security:  A Crisis of Prioritization.]  President\u2019s Information Technology Advisory Committee, 2005.   (pdf).  \n* [ Washington Post] Washington Post articles on cyber terrorism, August 2005.  \n* New York Times article,  [ \u201cThe Rise of the Digital Thugs,\u201d] August 2005. \n* Time article, [ \u201cThe Invasion of the Chinese Cyberspies,\u201d] September 2005.\n\n=== October 19:  Nuclear, Radiological & Chemical Weapons ===\n\nThe physics and technology of WMD.\n\n* Richard A. Muller, UC Berkeley and LBNL:  <i>The Physics of WMD</i>\n* Christine Hartmann-Siantar, LLNL:  <i>Radiation and Human Health</i>\n* Steve Maurer, UC Berkeley:  <i>Nuclear Fear</i>\n\n<b>Readings:</b>\n\nR. Muller, \"Chain Reactions, Nuclear Reactors, and Atomic Bombs,\"\n\n\nR. Muller, \"The Dirty Bomb Distraction,\"\n\n\nR. Muller, \"Crop Duster Terrorism,\"\n\n\nR. Muller, \"Al Qaeda's Anthrax,\n\n\n=== October 26:  Biological Weapons; Remediation and Recovery Technologies ===\n\nThe biological weapons threat: today and tomorrow.  Recovering from WMD attacks.\n\n* J. Patrick Fitch, LLNL:  <I>Biological Weapons and Detection Technologies</I>\n* J. Keasling, UC Berkeley:  <I>Synthetic Biology and Tomorrow\u2019s Bioweapons</I>\n* Tina Carlson, <I>LLNL: Remediation</I>\n* Christine Hartmann-Siantar, LLNL:  <I>Recovery Technologies</I>\n\n<b>Readings:</b>\n\n=== November 2:  WMD Defenses ===\n\nTechnology and Policy Options for Early Detection of WMD.\n\n* Michael Nacht & B. Perez, UC Berkeley:  <i>Port Security. </i>\n\n<b>Readings:</b>\n*  Online Paper\n\n\n=== November 9:  Large-Scale Internet Criminal Activity ===\n\nInternet crime.  Denial of service, extortion, phishing, botnet reselling, spam, spyware, etc.\n\n* Dave Aucsmith, Senior Director, Institute for Advanced Technology in Governments, Microsoft Corp.\n* Steve Gribble, UW:  <i>Spyware </i>\n\nReadings:\n\n* David Moore, Geoffrey Voelker, and Stefan Savage, [ \u201cInferring Internet Denial of Service Activity.\u201d] Proc. 2001 USENIX Security Symposium, August 2001. \n* Stefan Saroiu, Steven D. Gribble, and Henry M. Levy, [ \u201cMeasurement and Analysis of Spyware in a University Environment,\u201d] Proc. NSDI 2004, March 2004.  \n* The Honeynet Project & Research Alliance, [ \u201cKnow your Enemy: Tracking Botnets,\u201d] March 2005.  \n\n\n=== November 16:  Incentives to Exploit and Protect ===\n\nWhat do we know about the Internet\u2019s vulnerabilities?  History of past exploits, worms, viruses.  What could a determined, well-funded adversary accomplish?\n\n* Hal Varian, Berkeley: <i> incentive-based strategies for enhancing cyber security</i>\n* Stefan Savage, UCSD: <i>Internet outbreaks: Epidemiology and Defenses</i>\n* Vern Paxson, ICIR and LBNL: <i>Network intrusion detection systems</i>\n\nReadings: \n\n* Carey Nachenberg, [ \u201cComputer Virus-Antivirus Coevolution,\u201d] Communications of the ACM 40(1), January 1997.  \n* David Moore, Vern Paxson, Stefan Savage, Colleen Shannon, Stuart Staniford and Nicholas Weaver,  [ \u201cInside the Slammer Worm,\u201d] IEEE Security and Privacy 1(4):33-39, July 2003. \n* Vern Paxson, [  \u201cBro: A System for Detecting Network Intruders in Real-Time,\u201d] Computer Networks 31(23-24), December 1999.\n\n=== November 23:  Cyber-defenses ===\n\nHost-based, network-based, software engineering with security goals\n\n* Mark Pustilnik, Microsoft, <i>Eliminating security vulnerabilities from commercial software.</i>\n* Josh Lackey, Microsoft (ex-IBM), <i>Ethical hacking: Using white-hat cyber-attacks to improve security.</i>\n* Eric Rescorla, consultant, <i>Does it make sense to discover/publicize vulnerabilities?</i>\n\n<b>Readings:</b>\n* Sumeet Singh, Cristian Estan, George Varghese and Stefan Savage, [ \u201cAutomated Worm Fingerprinting,\"] Proc. OSDI 2004, December 2004.  \n* Eric Rescorla, [ \u201cIs finding security holes a good idea?\u201d], Workshop on Economics and Information Security 2004, May 2004.  \n* Eric Rescorla, [ \u201cSecurity holes... Who cares?\u201d], Proceedings of the 12th USENIX Security Conference, August 2003.\n\n=== November 30:  Intelligence and Interrogation ===\n\nHow can IT improve US intelligence capabilities?\n\n* (TBD)\n* Steve Maurer:  <i>Databases and Intelligence</i>\n* S. Scotchmer:  <i>Do Terrorism Futures Make Sense?</i>\n\n<b>Readings:</b>\n\n=== December 7:  Cyberforensics ===\n\nWhat constitutes evidence for computer exploitation crimes, how is it gathered, etc.\n\n* Possible:  Butler Lampson\n* Possible:  FBI\n\nReadings:"
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