Student Projects:E Voting

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Revision as of 18:01, 17 November 2004 by Amanda H (talk | contribs) (group e voting)

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Hey Janet, Lorrisa, Dev, and Martha,

Thanks to Tapan, we've got access to our group WIKI page.

Have each of you received the email from the professors and Tapan with their comments on our brief? If not, let me know and I'll forward it to you.

Ok girls, let's remember that we will be meeting before Thanksgiving break to review each other's drafts. We set the date for Wed. the 24th @ 6 @ Lorrisa's house.

This is how we said we'd divide the sections in our paper:

Lorrisa: "Pre-History" of E-voting Janet: Case study of the 2000: Successes and Failures of Paper Ballots v. E-voting Martha: Case study of the 2004: Effects of the proliferation of E-voting Dev: E-voting in the Present: Present Policy, Actors, Researchers, and Projects Amanda: Pros and Cons of the Current Trends in E-voting, suggestions

However, I'm looking at the Professor's comments, and we should put more of any emphasis on finding the evidence, analyzing instead of just suggesting the trade-offs, and then making recommendations at that point.

Girls, if you can go through Prof Dill's lecture (the guy from Stanfurd),then that would help us lots.

Lorrisa: since you are writing the beginning of the paper, could you look into the political science literature on voting, the voter error rates, fraud.. like the professor suggests?

Janet: Compare sources of fraud/error in manual vs. electronic systems.

To all: any more suggestions? conflicts?

Let's talk..keep each other updated
