IT Outsourcing: Economic and Policy Analysis

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Economic and technological incentives to outsource, and government policies that can affect IT outsourcing rates.


How our project could be divided (.. please let me know what you think and add/ correct anything)

1) Economic incentives to outsource (discussion of India and why the US chooses to outsource there. Compare cost of living in India, operational costs in the US) PROS/CONS

2) Technological incentives to outsource (discussion of India and why the US chooses to outsource there. What risks do we run by outsourcing our IT to countries such as India? Is it safe technologically to do so? ) PROS/CONS

3) Analysis of existing public policies (France.. any other countries that have opening initiated policies to stop outsourcing? Discuss the differences between France and US outsourcing--industry.. are they similiar? Are they detrimental to the comparison?)

4) US past public policies to prevent outsourcing. What does Bush administration say about IT outsourcing? Possible public policies and discussion of how feasible they are. ((Small case study of Silicon Valley? Could it be treated like France's 20 "competitiveness zones"?))

5) Conclusion.

Group Members:

Mandy Chang, UC Berkeley, User: mandy_c

Aamir Alavi, UC Berkeley, User: aamiralavi

Brad Struss, UW, User: bradstr

Jeongsoo Kim, UC Berkeley, user: jk37

Team Organization



Businessweek article

"Offshoring" Service Jobs: Bane or Boon and What to Do?

How Outsourcing Creates Jobs for Americans

Outsourcing, Offshoring, and Globalization

The Outsourcing Bogeyman

Offshore Outsourcing Resource Center

[ Offshoring's giant target: the Bay Area Silicon Valley could face export of 1 in 6 jobs -- worst in nation]