Student Projects:OpenSource Motivation

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Revision as of 04:07, 2 November 2004 by Garf (talk | contribs) (Team Organization)

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Motivation and Rewards of Open Source Development

How Project Team Members Communicate

Project Team Members communicate via this Wiki, starting on this page and with linked sub-pages linked from here.

There is also an email list, [1], that reaches all project members. GailFrederick manages the mailing list, please contact her for additions/removals.

Links to Project Sub-Pages

(no links yet)

Draft of the One-Page Project Description

(Project description is due Monday, November 8, 2004)

Team Members


Motivation and Rewards of Open Source

Why do developers, testers, documenters volunteer for open source projects? Why do people and organizations decide to install open-source software? What motivates them, and what benefits do they eventually obtain?


* Developer Motivations and Rewards (i.e. Why do programmers contribute to open-source projects?)
* Consumer Motivations and Rewards (i.e. Why do consumers adopt / purchase open-source products?)
* Incubator Motivations and Rewards (i.e. Why do for-profit entitites incubate and otherwise support open-source products?
* Public Sector Motivations and Rewards (i.e. Why do governments and governmental agencies support open-source products through legislation, regulation and economic incentives?


Interesting reads which will be considered, not necessarily all used in the project:

General Sources of Computing Literature:

Team Organization

GailFrederick will focus on the developer motivations and rewards subtopic. (One other team member is invited to collaborate!)